Derwin the so fine. My favorite Christian bad boy. I have to give a shout out to our boy Pooch for pulling off the youthfulness of a man nearly 10 years his junior. I'm amazed by that every week.
There was a CW Lounge thread titled "Derwin, the so called Christian" or something to that effect. I had to stick up for my boy because no one is perfect. People call Christian's hypocrites when they sin as if it is humanly possible to get through a day let alone life without sinning. They'll say, well people might commit little sins, but Christians shouldn't be doing so and so. The fact that a man is physically weak and lives in sin doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't love him some Jesus. Don't get me lying about the book, chapter and verse, but I once read in the Bible that no one should wear their Christianity on their sleeve because no one is worthy and we will ultimately bring shame on God's name. Derwin is proof of that. All Christians are proof of that.
We really don't know much about Derwin's background unless I missed it. We don't know what happened to his parents, but his grandmother seems to be the guiding force in his life as that is the only family member he ever mentions. I don't know where he is from. We know Malik and Tasha are from the mean streets of Richmond, California, but Derwin acts like he is from the mean streets too because that boy loves to fight.
Derwin has swung on Malik, Trey Wiggs and Jerome. Did I miss anyone? He has responded so angrily to Mel at times that I sometimes wonder if he is capable of hitting her. He went way overboard with the revenge when Mel got caught by the paps having lunch with Trey Wiggs. We had like three episodes of him treating her badly because of that. When Mel refused to talk to him right after the breakup and he kicked the television, I couldn't help but wonder what he would have done if Trey wasn't there and Mel tried to leave. I also felt that when Tasha and Kelly came to get Mel's stuff he was willing to use force to prevent them from taking Mel's things. I'd love some background on his anger management issues.
I could see the Drew thing happening, but he was pretty cold blooded on that deal. His relationship with Mel wasn't exactly horrible when he started having inappropriate conversations with Drew and failed to tell her he had a live in girlfriend. But as good as we like to think Derwin is, these things happen. What young pro athlete wouldn't get a little star struck by the attention of a pretty, young starlet? There are rumors out right now of a certain athlete being lured away from his wife by a beautiful starlet. We hate it, but it happens so I like that they went there.
What knocked my socks off was that he decided to be a full blown, out of the closet ho after his failed initial attempt to get Mel back. I guess that happens too, but I still didn't expect Derwin to go that far. I don't really count Eggs because he actually viewed her as a possible mate initially. It took Malik, Jason and Melanie to snap him out of that one. But when he stood Dionne up on Christmas, no less. for some jumpoff that he just met, I was like, "Dang, Derwin is grimey." Then he brought a stone cold hoochie to Malik's party. To top it off he still fell for Janay's trap after all of those lessons.
I'm expecting to see some growth in Derwin this season. He can't keep falling for the okie doke every single time, like the tattoo, Drew, Eggs and Janay. I'd like them to show prayer working in his life. Let him make the right and responsible decision some time. There is a good guy in there and I want to see more of him. They have the perfect situation going on to allow him to either man up or fall apart. So far he's doing pretty well.
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