Will someone please tell me what I missed? Are the pill, the patch, the shot and all the other birth control methods that are way more effective than a condom not available in Saber Land? And why did Derwin say that condoms are 99% effective? That's a dangerous untruth to be spreading to a couple million viewers. I just don't get why condoms are the only form of birth control these guys use when they are in monogymous relationships. Maybe the writers were taking a Mel and Derwin break and this episode was really just about about Malik and Robin and Tasha and Rick.
It's interesting that Tasha is always dispensing advice to the ladies that have men when in reality she doensn't know jack about relationships. Unless it's against company policy I don't see the reason why they would have to go to ridiculous lengths to hide their relationship. They don't have to discuss it with folks, but there is no need to make sure you don't get to the office at the same time. She was going to lunch with him before, so what is the problem with them going to lunch now? I like the way Rick handled Tasha, but it wasn't as good as when Dwayne had to check Whitley on A Differant World. Kadeem was much more macho, forceful and sexy in his delivery. But it's still good that he stood up to her and let her know what was really up.
I guess they are going to drag this Malik/Robin situation out a little longer. I'm cool with it for a minute, but I want my single player Malik back sooner than later. If Mariah and Nick are any indication, a fake marraige doesn't help anyone's career. I personally don't think the marraige is fake, but I know many people do. What I do know is that they appear to be on an extended honeymoon and if Nick has done any work outside of occasional DJ gigs since they got married, I don't know about it. So what fake marraige led to the couple getting more acting gigs? Robin is right about one thing; actors are losing parts to lesser qualified rappers and singers. Some of them are really great actors, but a lot of them are not. I'm certainly not crazy about that trend nor the trend of pretty actresses stealing the covers of high fashion magazines from models. Things are certainly askew, but I don't think a fake marraige is going to do anything but get her a reality show.
There wasn't a lot of drama going on this week. That's ok because the first two weeks were completely off the chain and more than enough to tie me over until things pick up again next week. The Director's Cut and the Preview for next week's show are already posted on The CW site and it looks like its going to be good. As bad as I want Janay to take a flying leap, I am glued to the screen whenever she is on the show. I guess waiting for an anvil to fall on her head or something. She'll be back next week bringing the drama and I can't wait to hate on her as usual.
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